Matte Zoya "V" Gradient (Green Mitzi, Blue Phoebe & Pink Lolly)

Hey guys! So I've been realizing I've been lacking on the nail art posts so heres one for you! It's my "V" Gradient. Last year I did a "U" gradient so if you're interested in check that one out check it out by clicking here. However if you're interested in seeing how I do my "V" gradient manicures then just keep reading! 

So the polishes I am gonna be using for this manicure are (Left to right) Zoya Lolly, Phoebe & Mitzi. They dry to a matte finish. 

Now this is something I am always happy to share. I have tried so many different sponges to do gradients & I know a lot of people recommend using a cosmetic wedge but I am not one of them. I can't stand cosmetic wedges. So the sponge I would recommend is one with medium sizes pores. It will allow the polish in the sponge & to blend the colours in much better than a cosmetic sponge would. 
Also when apply the polish to the sponge instead of doing straight lines across creat "V"s & then when you get the the top shade that will be applied to your cuticle are make a triangle. 
I know some people have different ways of applying the polish from the sponge to the nail, some say slight drag it up & down however I just press straight down a couple of times, then I'll rock it from side to side.

Let the first coat dry then do it again.  

So this is what it looked like once I was finished. I love the matte texture it looks pretty unreal & almost photoshopped. However I can assure you it's not. I have no clue how to even use photoshop to be honest. 
& this is what the manicure looks like after you've applied the top coat. 
I personally prefer the matte look much more than the shiny version. 
Anyways I hope this helped you & inspired you do always try to new things when it comes to nail art! 
Take care!

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  1. the matte version is soo perfect! I can't even put into words. It looks unbelievable! Thanks for the tips on doing gradients! I have never tried them before and will keep your tips in mind!

  2. Thank you for the lesson. I'm going to give it a try.

  3. These are so freaking gorgeous I don't even know what to say!!! Beautiful nails! :)

  4. Gorgeous ! I've had never heard of "v" and "u" gradients before ! It's such a neat idea ;)

  5. fantastic! I love experimenting with gradients - way to think outside the box!
